Mix Tape: What is the Weight of Distance?

What is the weight of distance?

As I cast my travel net wider and wider- further and further- around the world this question creeps ever deeper into my mind. Yes, travel experiences show the depth and breadth of the human experience, but more and more I am wondering, at what cost?

A year ago, the answer was simple. Go, travel, wander, roam...and I have, but personal growth is a funny thing and as I log miles and miles away from The Mothership, the concept of place and home crystallizes in my mind. For the first time in my life, I have a place that I call home. A place that I miss, a place where I can feel its pull no matter the distance. Travel has opened me and Flagstaff received me. I have found in that small mountain town a community, a place of acceptance where I can be myself through and through with ease. 

The currency in question is growth. Does a travel opportunity elicit more growth than time and energy spent in one place? Can ephemeral experiences sum equally to the reward of maintaining healthy, connected relationships? Where is the balanced line? Is there a balanced line?

Luckily, I am in no need to rush to answers. Life will unfold as it does and answers will come. It is not time, but the day is coming. I can feel it on the horizon...

This mix tape was created over the past couple of months with all these thoughts stirring in my head.

Recommended for: Questions with no answers, Long plane rides, Hanging in, Hanging out

You can follow this mix-tape on Spotify. My user name is kubok13. 

Check it out here: https://open.spotify.com/user/kubok13/playlist/0PeLaBAFJItbMEwOEcCyXa?si=GtyVxMszTdKHLxz8D73T-Q

And Screenshots...


What is the weight of distance 1.png
What is the weight of distance 2.png

This Mix Tape May Be Used as a Flotation device

The last 4 months were tumultuous to say the least and as I left the States for a work trip to England my soul stirred with unrest. Would this rollercoaster ever end? Isn't it funny when you're in the depths of stress the attempts to relieve it only add to it? 

I'd been searching for a while for how to get out of this spiral. It wasn't one of despair, but it was repetitive and net negative.

Like most of my mix tapes, this one started out with discovering some new music. I found myself wandering aimlessly around the streets of Alton, UK with songs on repeat. On one of these late evening walks, I found myself along an empty, rain soaked street, my feet heavy and my head as clouded as the sky above.

Somewhere along that street, I couldn't tell you the name of it or where it was, I crossed a threshold, an imaginary line separating dark and light.

"You are free to enter the flow."

It wasn't a voice in my head or a divine intervention, but it was more than a mere thought.

The imaginary line was a door opening, illuminating a path for my return to center, my way back to whole. This mix-tape is the result. 

Recommended for:  Dreamy mornings, dreamy evenings, dreamy dreams, aimless wandering, aimless wondering, returning to center, finding whole

You can follow this mix-tape on Spotify. My user name is kubok13. 

Check it out here: https://open.spotify.com/user/kubok13/playlist/1KhYHOcJ2EZyvSSfn45VcV?si=8qkMpSAHRje0FF-9os2sIw

Screenshots (for those without Spotify):